Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Indonesia Professional Tattoo Association

IPTA which is a continuation of Indonesia Professional Tattoo Association in the form at the beginning of September 2 years ago from discussions with several friends in whom you King of Cirebon, Agus Budiyono, Alexander or Julius Sahetapy, Febri Hamonangan and Arif felt necessary to build a container community little organized so that hopefully can become a lamp to bertattoo community and society at large. Newly organized community is needed to answer the challenge of bad stigma of society against those who bear the tattoos and tattoo.

A different approach, it is trying to offer. Berbalikan approach 180 degrees from what is generally already often you see the tattoo community in general. This is necessary because despite the many organizations / communities that exist but almost all do a similar approach similar to that in the view of our community will be less successful in large scale.

A different approach from us is what is our original idea that most likely also eventually be annexed by other organizations during this
relatively near-death or barren. If that happens then it is very encouraging although the action is less attractive. The approach is to try to change brought
ourselves as far as possible within the normal values prevailing in society than that in general is trying to force the public to accept all
value of "eccentricity" of people who bertattoo. It also tried to organize ourselves with an emphasis on the way / pattern clean work so that it can help people who deal directly or domestic authorities are comfortable with our presence. This approach is

Members of IPTA is not much, very little is possible if compared to the community or other organizations about 18 people but the number is not a barrier to make a positive contribution to organizational goals. Most members are in Jakarta, although there are also some outside Jakarta. We IPTA hopes to become a minority carve a very strong color that can affect the other colors around it. We do not want to be the color of the most widely inscribed on a canvas
but the colors are slightly used but gives a strong impression. IPTA does not want to just pull the membership dues without giving a clear direction and a less significant benefit to their members and therefore the amount is not our focus, framework and work ethic is a priority that must be arranged prior to increasing the number of memberships.

Requirements that we apply simple prospective members have the same vision with organizational vision and prospective members are also not registered as a member of another organization to avoid any conflict of interest and then another thing is the prospective member does not have a problem with the attitude that a plaque for their generally calling themselves tattoo artist and are willing to pay membership dues and accept our rules.

This organization has a management arrangement which is headed by a chairman and then underneath there is treasurer and secretary. While still very simple arrangement also related to the number of members who put in and the consideration of flexibility and speed of decision making. However, the composition of the management of a wider and comprehensive
will be formed if necessary.

These organizations conduct routine activities in the form of monthly meetings to discuss related matters and problems of internal organization members. This annual event a tattoo contest, which is a tool members to practice and test her progress. IPTA is the youngest organization that carries out first tattoo contest in Jakarta. This event has been held twice since the first time in the year 2009.

Vision and mission of this organization is memberdayaan the stake holders in the tattoo industry in Indonesia, especially in the fields of health, education, profession, social and professional organizations ekonomi.Keberadaan which will certainly give more vibrant colors and beautiful if properly interpreted. But surely there can not be denied that the parties interpret it backwards. Hopefully this does not become a significant constraint on the way this organization forward. Similarly, the presence of Magik Ink tattoo magazine into the constellation of the tattoo industry in this country would at least have brought a fresh breeze that if utilized properly could bring progress. Intermezzo intermezzo necessary but life is not a means to return to the Magic Ink for itself whether to put forward the priority elements of an entertainment or education, course material will reflect that carried these things and although it may seem cliche or classic, we also hope that this magazine be in the forefront in our community to curb moral decadence and the disappearance of national identity.

Our hope is Magic Ink magazine can better weigh the maturation of its readers so we may hope also that the parties involved in
This tattoo world in Indonesia became more adult and mature and can give a positive color for the life of our nation. Go ahead Magic Ink!

source: magic-ink vol.10

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